CNPq Research Group “Digital Sociology and Artificial Intelligence”
Initiative Understanding Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Advanced Studies
C4AI – Center for Artificial Intelligence
NEV – Núcleo de Estudos da Violência – (Center for the Study of Violence)
CEDEC- Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea (Center for Studies of Contemporary Culture)
IBCCrim – Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais (Brazilian Institute of Criminology)
Researcher assistant
REED – Rede de Estudos Empíricos em Direito (Legal Empirical Research Network)
Member of the Editorial Board
The American Sociologist Journal
Reviewer + Associate editor for special issue
The American Sociologist Journal
Palgrave McMillan Publisher
Bulletin of Latin American Research
Reviewer Cambridge Journal of Science and Policy
Editorial Assistant
Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
Department of Sociology – University of São Paulo
Coordinator the the Teaching Degree Progam in Social Sciences
University of São Paulo
Assistant Coordinator of the Social Sciences Undergraduate Course
University of São Paulo
Assistant Coordinator of the Postdoctoral Program
Department of Sociology – University of São Paulo
Guest Lecturer
Artificial Intelligence and Society
Polytechnic School – University of São Paulo
Guest Lecturer
Sociology of Algorithms
Norberto Bobbio Institute
Guest Lecturer
Introduction to Digital Sociology Short Course
Brazilian Sociological Association
Guest Lecturer
Digital Sociology Summer Course
University of São Paulo
Teacher Assistant
French Sociology Undergraduate course + Introduction of Sociology for Law School
University of São Paulo