Here you find my academic works: journal articles, conference papers, Master dissertation and Ph.D. thesis, working papers, books and books’ chapters. Also, for Portuguese-readers, there are some opinion essays.
Histórico do tratamento jurídico e institucional das crianças e adolescentes no Brasil: da produção da categoria “menor” à promulgação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente
The legal and institutional history of children and adolescents in Brazil: from the “minor” category to the Child and Adolescent Statute
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
A Teoria da História em Walter Benjamin: uma construção entre “História e colecionismo: Eduard Fuchs” e as “Teses sobre o conceito de história”
The Theory of History in Walter Benjamin: abridging “Eduard Fuchs: Collector and Historian” and “Theses on the Philosophy of History”
Published on Revista de História, 2013
Essayism as a Sociological Research Tradition in Brazil: a Definition of Essay and Essayism for Sociology
Published on The American Sociologist, 2020
Intelectualismo em Max Weber: o processo de intelectualização como um caminho para a compreensão do desenvolvimento histórico do conhecimento
Intellectualism in Weber’s work: the process of intellectualization as an avenue for understanding knowledge’s historical development
Published on Em Tese, 2021
Artificial Intelligence and Everyday Knowledge (Chapter 2)
Chapter of the book “Setbacks and Advances in the Modern Latin America Economy”
Published by Palgrave McMillan, 2024
Soziologie in Brasilien
Published by Springer, 2023
Parsons in Brazil (Chapter 25)
Chapter of the book “The Routledge International Handbook of Talcott Parsons Studies”
Published by Routledge, 2021
Novas questões para sociologia contemporânea: os impactos da Inteligência Artificial e dos algoritmos nas relações sociais
Chapter of the book “Artificial Intelligence: tendencies and advances”
Published by Institute of Advanced Studies, 2021
The Transnational Endeavour of ECLAC for the Latin American Thought (Chapter 10)
Chapter of the book “Setbacks and Advances in the Modern Latin America Economy”
Published by Routledge, 2021
Sociology in Brazil: A Brief Institutional and Intellectual History
Published by Palgrave Macmillan as part of the series “Sociology Transformed,” run by John Holmwood and Stephen Turner (Eds), 2019
Placing the subjective locus in the environment: how social media is enhancing the autobiographical remembering and the identity formation process (Chapter 12)
Chapter of the book “Automata’s inner movie: Science and Philosophy of Mind”
Published by Vernon Press, 2019
“Imagined Robots and Mathematical Experiments Pre-1960s” (Chapter 2) / “Let Us Understand Our Relationship with Artificial Intelligence” (Chapter 6)
Chapter of the book “The Risk Perception of Artificial Intelligence”, 2019
Published by Lexington Books, 2019
Teoria Social e Ciências Cognitivas: ensaios de Stephen Turner
Social Theory and Cognitive Sciences: Stephen Turner essays
Published by LiberArs, 2020
Série Pensando o Direito: O papel da vítima no direito penal
The victim’s role on the Brazilian criminal law
Book published by the Brazilian Secretary of Legislative Affairs, 2010
“It tastes like home to me”: Cooking and remembering among Nipo-Brazilian women
117th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting
Theoretical developments on “memory” and “identity”: an integration between G. Mead and M. Halbwachs in a collectivist approach
Paper published on the Proceedings of the 112th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 2017
New developments on Norbert Elias’ theory: an integration between the figurational theory and the social network´s theory
Paper published on the Proceedings of the 112th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 2017
O que define a memória coletiva?: considerações sobre os termos “memória social”, “memória cultural” , tradição”, “história” e “mito”
What is “collective memory”?: discussion on the concepts “social memory”, “cultural memory”, “tradition”, “history” and “myth”
Paper published on the Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Sociological Association Congress, 2017
The consequent processualism as a social ontology to support a distributed conception of memory and identity
Paper published on the Proceedings of the 113th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 2018
O relato autobiográfico como um espaço de construção de memória e identidade: o caso de um ex interno da FEBEM
The autobiographical narrative as a place for building identity and memories: the case of a former inmate of a correctional institution
Published on the Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian Sociological Association Congress, 2017
Memory, Emotion and Trauma: puzzling over narratives of institutionalized childhoods
Published on the Proceedings of the 116th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 2021
Relações Virtuais Inter e Intra grupais: a construção de grafos para o mapeamento de dois grupos de ex internos de uma instituição para menores
Virtual relationships among groups: graphs for mapping two groups of former inmates of a correctional institution
Published on the Proceedings of the 20th Brazilian Sociological Congress, 2017
Sociabilidades digitais: rememorando o passado pelas mídias sociais
Digital sociabilities: remembering the past through social media
Published on the Proceedings of the 20th Brazilian Sociological Association Congress, 2021
Inteligência Artificial como ciência: como definir esse campo?
Artificial Intelligence as a science: how to define this field?
Understanding Artificial Intelligence (UAI)
Dependência digital
Digital dependency
Jornal da Band
Thinking AI – Data Talks
Interview with Dr. Veridiana Domingos Cordeiro and Dr. Isabella Hermann
University of Munster Data Talks Project
Women Graduate International
Narratives of an Institutionalized Childhood
Published on Global Dialogue (International Sociological Association’s Magazine), 2020
A chacina contra a democracia brasileira
The slaughter against Brazilian democracy
A proteína da subjetividade
Subjectivity’s protein
Entrevista com Carlos Gilberto Pereira
Interview with Carlos Gilberto Pereira
Carnaval de ontem e de hoje: segregação e integração
Carnival in the past and in the present: segregation and integration
Catador de grãos da ampulheta
Hourglass Grain Picker
Constantino e seu apreço pelo 25 de dezembro: história sobre o Natal
Constantino and his appreciation for 25th December: a story about Christmas
O golpe que assombrou o mundo e tomou um continente por assalto
The coup that haunted the world: the Chilean Dictatorship
Linchamentos: ação passional, contexto democrático
Lynchings: passionate actions in a democratic context
Não esperneie: São Paulo também é bonita do lado de fora
Don’t be spoiled, São Paulo is also Beautiful outside your car
Sexo, assinale: [ ] Masculino (M), [ ] Feminino (F), [ ] Intersexo (X)
Sex: [ ] male, [ ] female, [X] intersex
Tem uma linha traçada no chão: o caso George Floyd
There is a line drawn on the floor: George Floyd’s case
O vírus da anestesia local (ops, moral)
The moral anesthesy virus